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<view class="container p-bottom">
<view class="flow-mode">
<selectSwitch :switchList="orderModeList" checked_bj_color="#00acac" @change="switchMode"/>
<!-- 快递配送配送地址 -->
<view @click="onSelectAddress" v-if="orderMode == false" class="flow-delivery">
<view class="flow-delivery__detail dis-flex flex-y-center">
<view class="detail-location dis-flex">
<text class="iconfont icon-dingwei"></text>
<view class="detail-content flex-box">
<block v-if="address">
<view class="detail-content__title dis-flex">
<text class="f-30">{{ address.name }}</text>
<text class="detail-content__title-phone f-28">{{ address.mobile }}</text>
<view class="address-info detail-content__describe">
<text class="region">{{ address.provinceName }}{{ address.cityName }}{{ address.regionName }}</text>
<text class="detail">{{ address.detail }}</text>
<text class="icon"> » </text>
<block v-else>
<view class="detail-content__describe dis-flex select-address">
<text class="col-6">请选择配送地址 <text class="icon"> > </text></text>
<view class="detail-arrow dis-flex">
<text class="iconfont icon-arrow-right"></text>
<!-- 门店自提:自提地址 -->
<view v-if="orderMode == true" class="flow-delivery">
<view class="flow-delivery__detail dis-flex flex-y-center">
<view class="detail-location dis-flex">
<text class="iconfont icon-dingwei"></text>
<view class="detail-content flex-box">
<view class="store">
<view class="f-30 store-name">{{ storeInfo ? storeInfo.name : '' }}</view>
<view class="f-30 store-phone">{{ storeInfo ? storeInfo.phone : '' }}</view>
<text class="f-30 store-address">{{ storeInfo ? storeInfo.address : '' }}</text>
<view class="detail-arrow dis-flex">
<text class="iconfont icon-arrow-right"></text>
<!-- 商品列表 -->
<view class="m-top20">
<view v-for="(item, index) in goodsCart" :key="index" class="checkout_list">
<view class="flow-shopList dis-flex">
<!-- 商品图片 -->
<view class="flow-list-left">
<image mode="scaleToFill" :src="item.goodsInfo.logo"></image>
<view class="flow-list-right flex-box">
<!-- 商品名称 -->
<text class="goods-name twolist-hidden">{{ item.goodsInfo.name }}</text>
<!-- 商品规格 -->
<view class="goods-props clearfix">
<view class="goods-props-item" v-for="(props, idx) in item.specList" :key="idx">
<text class="group-name">{{ props.specName }}: </text>
<text>{{ props.specValue }}</text>
<!-- 商品数量和单价 -->
<view class="flow-list-cont dis-flex flex-x-between flex-y-center">
<text class="small"> x {{ item.num }} </text>
<text class="flow-cont">¥{{ item.goodsInfo.price }} </text>
<view class="flow-num-box b-f">
<text>共{{ totalNum }}件,合计:</text>
<text class="flow-money col-m">¥{{ totalPrice }}</text>
<!-- 订单折扣 -->
<view class="flow-all-money b-f m-top20">
<!-- 卡券 -->
<view class="flow-all-list dis-flex">
<text class="flex-five">使用卡券抵扣:</text>
<view class="flex-five t-r">
<view v-if="couponList.length > 0" @click="handleShowPopup()">
<text class="col-m" v-if="useCouponInfo">-¥{{ useCouponInfo.amount }}</text>
<text class="col-m" v-else>共有卡券{{ couponList.length }}张</text>
<text class="right-arrow iconfont icon-arrow-right"></text>
<text v-else class="">无卡券可用</text>
<!-- 积分抵扣 -->
<view class="points flow-all-list dis-flex flex-y-center" v-if="usePoint > 0">
<view class="block-left flex-five" @click="handleShowPoints()">
<text class="title">使用{{ usePoint }}积分抵扣:</text>
<text class="iconfont icon-help"></text>
<view class="flex-five dis-flex flex-x-end flex-y-center">
<text class="points-money col-m">-¥{{ usePointAmount }}</text>
<u-switch v-model="isUsePoints" size="48" active-color="#00acac" @change="getCartList()"></u-switch>
<!-- 支付方式 -->
<view class="pay-method flow-all-money b-f m-top20">
<view class="flow-all-list dis-flex">
<text class="flex-five">支付方式</text>
<!-- 微信支付 -->
<view class="pay-item dis-flex flex-x-between" @click="handleSelectPayType(PayTypeEnum.WECHAT.value)">
<view class="item-left dis-flex flex-y-center">
<view class="item-left_icon wechat">
<text class="iconfont icon-weixinzhifu"></text>
<view class="item-left_text">
<text>{{ PayTypeEnum.WECHAT.name }}</text>
<view class="item-right col-m" v-if="curPayType == PayTypeEnum.WECHAT.value">
<text class="iconfont icon-duihao"></text>
<!-- 买家留言 -->
<view class="flow-all-money b-f m-top20">
<view class="ipt-wrapper">
<textarea v-model="remark" rows="3" maxlength=100 placeholder="买家留言 (选填,100字以内)" type="text"></textarea>
<!-- 提交订单 -->
<view class="flow-fixed-footer b-f m-top10">
<view class="dis-flex chackout-box">
<view class="chackout-left pl-12">
<view class="col-amount-do">总金额:
<text class="pay-amount">¥{{ payPrice ? payPrice.toFixed(2) : '0.00' }}</text>
<view v-if="deliveryFee > 0 && orderMode == false" class="delivery-fee"> 另配送费:¥{{ deliveryFee.toFixed(2) }} </view>
<view class="chackout-right" @click="onSubmitOrder()">
<view class="flow-btn f-32" :class="{ disabled }">提交订单</view>
<!-- 积分说明弹窗 -->
<u-modal v-model="showPoints" :title="`积分说明`">
<scroll-view class="points-content" :scroll-y="true">
<!-- 卡券弹出框 -->
<u-popup v-model="showPopup" mode="bottom">
<view class="popup__coupon">
<view class="coupon__title f-30">选择卡券</view>
<!-- 卡券列表 -->
<view class="coupon-list">
<scroll-view :scroll-y="true" style="height: 565rpx;">
<view class="coupon-item" v-for="(item, index) in couponList" :key="index">
<view class="item-wrapper"
:class="[item.status == 'A' ? 'color-default': 'color-gray']"
<view class="coupon-type">{{ item.type }}</view>
<view class="tip dis-flex flex-dir-column flex-x-center">
<text class="money">¥{{ item.amount }}</text>
<text class="pay-line">{{ item.description }}</text>
<view class="split-line"></view>
<view class="content dis-flex flex-dir-column flex-x-between">
<view class="title">{{ item.name }}</view>
<view class="bottom dis-flex flex-y-center">
<view class="time flex-box">
<block>{{ item.effectiveDate }}</block>
<!-- 不使用卡券 -->
<view class="coupon__do_not dis-flex flex-y-center flex-x-center">
<view class="control dis-flex flex-y-center flex-x-center" @click="handleNotUseCoupon()">
<text class="f-26">不使用卡券</text>
<!-- 支付方式弹窗 -->
<u-popup v-model="showPayPopup" mode="bottom" :closeable="true">
<view class="pay-type-popup">
<view class="title">请选择支付方式</view>
<view class="pop-content">
<!-- 微信支付 -->
<view class="pay-item dis-flex flex-x-between" @click="doSubmitOrder(PayTypeEnum.WECHAT.value)">
<view class="item-left dis-flex flex-y-center">
<view class="item-left_icon wechat">
<text class="iconfont icon-weixinzhifu"></text>
<view class="item-left_text">
<text>{{ PayTypeEnum.WECHAT.name }}</text>
<!-- 余额支付 -->
<view class="pay-item dis-flex flex-x-between" @click="doSubmitOrder(PayTypeEnum.BALANCE.value)">
<view class="item-left dis-flex flex-y-center">
<view class="item-left_icon balance">
<text class="iconfont icon-qiandai"></text>
<view class="item-left_text">
<text>{{ PayTypeEnum.BALANCE.name }}</text>
import * as Verify from '@/utils/verify'
import * as CartApi from '@/api/cart'
import * as SettlementApi from '@/api/settlement'
import DeliveryTypeEnum from '@/common/enum/order/DeliveryType'
import PayTypeEnum from '@/common/enum/order/PayType'
import { wxPayment } from '@/utils/app'
import selectSwitch from "@/components/xuan-switch/xuan-switch.vue";
import * as AddressApi from '@/api/address'
import * as settingApi from '@/api/setting'
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
// 枚举类
// 当前页面参数
options: {},
// 当前选中的支付方式
curPayType: PayTypeEnum.WECHAT.value,
// 买家留言
remark: '',
// 禁用submit按钮
disabled: false,
// 按钮禁用
disabled: false,
goodsCart: [],
// 优惠券列表
couponList: [],
totalPrice: 0,
payPrice: 0,
totalNum: 0,
deliveryFee: 0,
orderModeList: ['门店自提', '物流配送'],
orderMode: true,
address: null,
useCouponInfo: null,
selectCouponId: 0,
myPoint: 0,
usePoint: 0,
usePointAmount: 0.00,
// 是否使用积分抵扣
isUsePoints: true,
// 是否显示积分说明
showPoints: false,
// 是否显示卡券弹窗
showPopup: false,
storeInfo: null,
// 支付方式弹窗
showPayPopup: false,
// 订单ID
orderId: ""
* 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
onLoad(options) {
this.options = options;
* 生命周期函数--监听页面显示
onShow() {
const app = this;
if (app.orderId) {
// 获取购物车信息
// 获取默认收货地址
// 获取店铺信息
methods: {
// 获取购物车信息
getCartList() {
const app = this
if (!app.isUsePoints) {
app.usePoint = 0;
app.usePointAmount = 0;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
CartApi.list(app.options.cartIds, app.options.goodsId, app.options.skuId, app.options.buyNum, app.selectCouponId, app.isUsePoints)
.then(result => {
app.goodsCart = result.data.list;
app.totalNum = result.data.totalNum;
app.totalPrice = result.data.totalPrice;
app.payPrice = result.data.payPrice;
app.couponList = result.data.couponList;
app.useCouponInfo = result.data.useCouponInfo;
app.usePoint = result.data.usePoint;
app.myPoint = result.data.myPoint;
app.deliveryFee = result.data.deliveryFee;
if (app.usePoint < 1) {
app.isUsePoints = false;
app.usePointAmount = result.data.usePointAmount;
.catch(err => reject(err))
// 获取默认收货地址
getDefaultAddress() {
const app = this
.then(result => {
app.address = result.data.address ? result.data.address : null;
// 显示积分说明
handleShowPoints() {
this.showPoints = true;
// 显示卡券弹窗
handleShowPopup() {
this.showPopup = true;
// 选择卡券
handleSelectCoupon(index) {
const app = this;
// 当前选择的卡券
const couponItem = app.couponList[index];
// 记录选中的卡券id
if (couponItem.status != 'A') {
return false;
app.selectCouponId = couponItem.userCouponId;
// 重新获取购物车信息
// 隐藏卡券弹层
app.showPopup = false;
// 不使用卡券
handleNotUseCoupon() {
const app = this;
app.selectCouponId = 0;
// 重新获取购物车信息
// 隐藏卡券弹层
app.showPopup = false;
// 选择支付方式
handleSelectPayType(value) {
this.curPayType = value
// 快递配送:选择收货地址
onSelectAddress() {
this.$navTo('pages/address/index', { from: 'checkout' })
// 切换配送模式
switchMode(mode) {
const app = this;
app.orderMode = mode;
if (mode && !app.storeInfo) {
// 获取店铺详情
getStoreInfo() {
const app = this;
if (!app.storeInfo) {
.then(result => {
app.storeInfo = result.data.storeInfo;
// 弹出支付方式
onSubmitOrder() {
const app = this
if (app.disabled) {
return false
if (app.totalPrice < 0 || app.goodsCart.length < 1) {
app.disabled = true
return false
// 表单验证
if (!app.orderMode && app.address == undefined) {
return false
// 配送或自取
let orderMode = "oneself";
if (!app.orderMode) {
orderMode = "express";
app.showPayPopup = true
// 订单提交
doSubmitOrder(payType) {
const app = this;
if (app.disabled) {
return false;
if (app.totalPrice < 0 || app.goodsCart.length < 1) {
app.disabled = true;
return false;
// 表单验证
if (!app.orderMode && app.address == undefined) {
return false;
// 配送或自取
let orderMode = "oneself";
if (!app.orderMode) {
orderMode = "express";
// 按钮禁用
app.disabled = true;
// 请求api
SettlementApi.submit(0, "", "goods", app.remark, 0, app.usePoint, app.selectCouponId, app.options.cartIds, app.options.goodsId, app.options.skuId, app.options.buyNum, orderMode, payType)
.then(result => {
.catch(err => {
if (err.result) {
const errData = err.result.data;
if (errData.isCreated) {
return false;
app.disabled = false;
// 订单提交成功后回调
onSubmitCallback(result) {
const app = this;
if (result.code != '200' && !result.data) {
if (result.message) {
} else {
app.disabled = false
return false
// 发起微信支付
if (result.data.payType == PayTypeEnum.WECHAT.value) {
// #ifdef H5
app.orderId = result.data.orderInfo.id;
// #endif
.then(() => {
.catch(err => {
.finally(() => {
app.disabled = false;
app.navToOrderResult(result.data.orderInfo.id, '');
// 余额支付
if (result.data.payType == PayTypeEnum.BALANCE.value) {
app.disabled = false;
app.navToOrderResult(result.data.orderInfo.id, result.message);
// 跳转到订单结果页
navToOrderResult(orderId, message) {
this.$navTo('pages/order/result?orderId='+orderId+'&message=' + message);
<style lang="scss" scoped>
@import "./style.scss";