'use strict' process.env.NODE_ENV = 'production' const { say } = require('cfonts') const chalk = require('chalk') const del = require('del') const webpack = require('webpack') const { Listr } = require('listr2') const mainConfig = require('./webpack.main.config') const rendererConfig = require('./webpack.renderer.config') const doneLog = chalk.bgGreen.white(' DONE ') + ' ' const errorLog = chalk.bgRed.white(' ERROR ') + ' ' const okayLog = chalk.bgBlue.white(' OKAY ') + ' ' const isCI = process.env.CI || false if (process.env.BUILD_TARGET === 'web') web() else build() function clean() { del.sync(['dist/electron/*', 'build/*', '!build/icons', '!build/lib', '!build/lib/electron-build.*', '!build/icons/icon.*']) console.log(`\n${doneLog}clear done`) if (process.env.BUILD_TARGET === 'onlyClean') process.exit() } function build() { greeting() if (process.env.BUILD_TARGET === 'clean' || process.env.BUILD_TARGET === 'onlyClean') clean() const tasksLister = new Listr([ { title: 'building main process', task: async (_, tasks) => { try { await pack(mainConfig) } catch (error) { console.error(`\n${error}\n`) console.log(`\n ${errorLog}failed to build main process`) process.exit(1) } } }, { title: "building renderer process", task: async (_, tasks) => { try { await pack(rendererConfig) tasks.output = `${okayLog}take it away ${chalk.yellow('`electron-builder`')}\n` } catch (error) { console.error(`\n${error}\n`) console.log(`\n ${errorLog}failed to build renderer process`) process.exit(1) } }, options: { persistentOutput: true } } ], { exitOnError: true }) tasksLister.run() } function pack(config) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { config.mode = 'production' webpack(config, (err, stats) => { if (err) reject(err.stack || err) else if (stats.hasErrors()) { let err = '' stats.toString({ chunks: false, colors: true }) .split(/\r?\n/) .forEach(line => { err += ` ${line}\n` }) reject(err) } else { resolve(stats.toString({ chunks: false, colors: true })) } }) }) } function web() { del.sync(['dist/web/*', '!.gitkeep']) rendererConfig.mode = 'production' webpack(rendererConfig, (err, stats) => { if (err || stats.hasErrors()) console.log(err) console.log(stats.toString({ chunks: false, colors: true })) process.exit() }) } function greeting() { const cols = process.stdout.columns let text = '' if (cols > 85) text = `let's-build` else if (cols > 60) text = `let's-|build` else text = false if (text && !isCI) { say(text, { colors: ['yellow'], font: 'simple3d', space: false }) } else console.log(chalk.yellow.bold(`\n let's-build`)) console.log() }